Smart Design Tips for Large Kitchens

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Sandy and my job is to make all of your home and garden dreams come true. Ever since I moved into my current home and set about having the garden redesigned and landscaped, and the interior of the place gutted and remodelled, I have been trying to raise awareness of the many benefits of learning about how to get the most out of your home and garden. I learnt everything I know from professional contractors who talked me through every step I needed to take. I hope my blog helps you to achieve your dream.


Smart Design Tips for Large Kitchens

22 June 2018
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Putting together a well-thought-out kitchen design is trickier than it sounds, with some small mistakes not becoming obvious until you start actually using the finished room. In a lot of cases, it's the smaller kitchens that are more challenging, with careful planning needed to maximise use of the space and avoid the room feeling cramped.

At the other end of the scale, however, kitchens that are particularly large can have their own difficulties when it comes to planning a design. Here are some of the things you should consider when you're putting ideas together for renovating a big kitchen.

Implement a logical flow

One of the biggest problems people find with poorly designed large kitchens is all the walking involved in cooking simple meals. If your sink, fridge, cooker and work surfaces are all spaced out and disordered, it's going to take lots of unnecessary steps to get things done.

Think carefully about what should be placed where to bring a logical workflow to your kitchen, and base the rest of the design around that.

Fill the space wisely

When you have a lot of space available, it's easy to get carried away and end up designing a kitchen that seems cluttered. While you should try and use enough space that the kitchen doesn't feel too empty and spread out, it's important to avoid overfilling it.

Elements like an island or a small table are useful for filling some of the central space, which is what often gets left empty when everything is installed at the edges of the room.

Give yourself plenty of room

With the extra space available, you can afford to make walkways a bit wider than you would in a smaller kitchen. This gives you more room when you're cooking and makes it easier for more than one person to use the kitchen at the same time.

The key is to strike the balance between spacing things out a little bit without leaving huge areas empty.

Make the kitchen an entertaining spot

If you're just not sure what to do with space left over in your kitchen design once you've fitted in all the appliances and surfaces, why not give the room an extra purpose?

Install a breakfast bar, dining table or drinks area, and you can use the room for gatherings as well as cooking.

Go for larger appliances

Since you have some extra space, you might as well go for some large appliances, if your budget allows. More room in the refrigerator and oven is sure to come in useful at some point, even if you're not completely convinced you need it.